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#1 14-11-2008 11:57:34

Lieu: Poitiers / Paris
Date d'inscription: 17-02-2008
Messages: 922

Le premier niveau 80 est... français !!

Hé oui, le site mmo-champion l'annonce ce matin, le premier joueur à avoir atteint le niveau 80 au monde est un joueur français, venu tout droit du serveur Drek'Thar ! Je vous propose de retrouver son interview, ainsi que le scrennshot qui le prouve !

World First LVL 80 Explained - Interview with Nymh
We had a few words with Nymh, the first player in the world to reach level 80 in Wrath of the Lich King.

MMO-Champion: Hello Nymh, and congratulations for your level 80 ! Could you tell us a bit more about yourself ?
Nymh: I play a warlock named Nymh on the french server Drek'thar. I used to be the guild leader of Harmonie, a french top PvE guild who was among the first to kill Kil'jaeden, but we eventually decided to merge with the 2nd guild of our server. The result is Genesis, which was originally an pre-BC high level guild. In real life I'm 21 and currently employed, I took a few days of vacation for the release of the expansion.

MMO-Champion: You reached the max level 27 hours after the european servers went online, that's pretty fast even if you spend all your time leveling ... Could you tell us how you achieved that ?
Nymh: The idea first came up when I saw this post from Jynxx. The idea looked nice and I decided to run a few tests on beta servers. It took about 3 hours to level from 78 to 79 and considering that it was one of the longest level, it seemed good enough to use this strategy to powerlevel at the release.

The biggest problem was to find a spot with enough monsters to grind without too much downtime ... I spent some time on beta servers and eventually found the crypt in Drakil'ji Ruins (Grizzly Hills), I think that's one of the only place in Wrath of the Lich King where monsters repop in about 30 seconds, mobs here are also neutral and it makes grinding a little safer.

I also had to optimize my downtimes and decided to level with a healer out of party, Pavelomm was nice enough to spend the last 27 hours healing me without taking any XP and he obviously played a huge role in the process.

When I reached level 76 I realized that my leveling speed was slightly lower than what I experienced in beta, I decided to change the template from the original post and switched to something with 2 points in Shadow Mastery to make my DoTs stronger and the leveling a bit easier. (It usually takes 2 DoTs to kill a monster)

MMO-Champion: The first level 80 was supposed to be Darus, a paladin who did some powerleveling in instances with Athene and a few other people and eventually got suspended by Blizzard at level 79. (and reseted to level 70 a few hours later) Did you hear about him ?
Nymh: Yeah I had a few people monitoring other servers to give me updates about the situation here, I don't really know how Darus did that but I assume it will be hotfixed by Blizzard very soon.

MMO-Champion: Is there anyone you want to thank ?
Nymh: Sure ! There are a bunch of people who helped a lot with my leveling.

    * Pavelomm was nice enough to stay with me for the last 27 hours and managed to keep me alive for all this time!
    * Pratax originally planned to level with me but couldn't be here due to last minute work obligations, he helped me a lot during beta when I was planning everything.
    * Ardanell / Bro / Zhazha were nice enough to run all the way to Grizzly Hills to teleport me to Ironforge and let me train my new spells without wasting too much time.
    * Coralie, who was nice enough to buy me the game 2 days ago!

And of course, the whole Genesis guild and all the players from Drek'thar-EU!

"Ah, le printemps ! La nature se réveille, les oiseaux reviennent, on crame des mecs..." (Kaamelott, II, 47)

SierrElben, prochainement sur vos écrans !

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#2 14-11-2008 13:04:20

grozigue flatulfort
Date d'inscription: 25-01-2008
Messages: 488

Re: Le premier niveau 80 est... français !!

Mon dieu... j'ai lu ça ce matin sur judgehype. Mais au fond le pire c'est qui? Lui ou le gars paumé qui l'a healé pour rien pendant 27 heures?

Dis, PvPCortex, qu'est-ce qu'on fait ce soir ?
La même chose que tous les soirs, PvPMinus : tenter de faire chier le monde....

Hors ligne


#3 15-11-2008 13:15:23

Lieu: Poitiers / Paris
Date d'inscription: 17-02-2008
Messages: 922

Re: Le premier niveau 80 est... français !!

Retrouvez une interview de Nymh dans ses grandes largeurs sur JudgeHype en suivant ce lien : … unautaire9

S'il a raison sur la communauté qui râle souvent pour tout et n'importe quoi, je ne susi largement pas de son avis, notamment au sujet du nouveau système de quêtes. On se plaignait que BC ne favorisait pas assez le côté RP (enfin, pas lui a priori vu que ce n'est pas ça qui l'intéresse), et le fait que les quêtes se débloquent au fur et à mesure n'est pas "stupide" mais bien très finement joué : ça nous laisse le temps de prendre la mesure de l'ensemble du scénario du Norfendre. Enfin, pour peu que les gens lisent le texte ("c'est où la forge ?" "C'est marqué dans ta quête abruti" roll )

"Ah, le printemps ! La nature se réveille, les oiseaux reviennent, on crame des mecs..." (Kaamelott, II, 47)

SierrElben, prochainement sur vos écrans !

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